7 Basic Things To Ecommerce SEO Success

7 Basic Things To Ecommerce SEO Success

When you run an Ecommerce store your main goal is to receive as much organic traffic as possible. The SEO part of this must also be taken into consideration and optimized as much as possible. 

SEO plays an important role in the success of your business because it will help you to get more potential customers. This article will help you to understand the basics of Ecommerce SEO.

7 Basic Things To Ecommerce SEO Success

Optimize for Mobile: 

It’s more than likely your potential customer has just purchased something like an Air Fryer on a top level mobile site like Amazon. Then come to your site.

Is it fluid enough for customer expectations in 2022? (it’s a tough era, we’re almost ready for booking hotels on Mars).

Make it quick and easy to use (there are many free tools online to check this) #UX for the win with both search engines and customers.

Reduce Images Sizes:

I still come across Ecom sites with 4MB+ sized images. 1 second, 2 seconds, 3 seconds, 4 seconds, ahhh, I’ll just cook dinner whilst this product page loads.

There are many free tools and apps now to take care of image loading.

Image Alt Text:

We live in a visual world and customers are searching images, also Google wants to read about your image.

The last thing a search engine wants to see is: alt=“” 17348hf36.jpg

Make images keyword rich and use them to describe the image. This should be an ongoing standard operating procedure (sop) to do. You can add custom scripts to autofill, but it’s good to get creative.

Write for Humans, not Search Engines:

“This Panasonic ZX camera is a great Panasonic ZX camera that allows you to take good Panasonic ZX camera photos”.

“This Panasonic ZX camera allows you to take everlasting photo memories that bring joy and laughter at every Grandma’s Sunday dinner”.You know what I mean!

Fix Broken Internal Links:

A redirect chain is like asking for directions: “Jimmy” sends you to the destination you’re looking for (like Google crawling the 1st internal link).

When you get there, someone stands there and says sorry that your destination has changed and sends you elsewhere. Then when you get there, there’s another guy sending you somewhere else.

You’d be pretty annoyed by this point and feel like hitting someone in the face with a frying pan.

This is how search engines feel with redirect chains. A quick crawl with Screaming Frog will highlight these bad guys.

Add Breadcrumbs: 

Helps with Google search and helps customers – simple as that.

Create A Blog:

I still find good e-commerce businesses that turn over solid revenue, but still not unlocking the potential of articles. The articles are one of your best digital assets. You can build your own authority by just writing quality articles.


The seven tips outlined in this article work for eCommerce SEO, but are not essential to achieving the level of success you might be expecting.

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About The Author

Highly effective SEO Executive with 7+ years of experience in Full SEO & Link Building. And Broad technical SEO knowledge as an SEO Strategies at Google.

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