How To Win With Enterprise eCommerce SEO

How To Win With Enterprise ECommerce SEO

A journey with Enterprise SEO!

For Google ranking, technical SEO and user experience are becoming increasingly crucial. Here’s how enterprise eCommerce businesses can benefit from SEO.

By switching up their algorithm, Google can change a business’s revenue overnight. For example, it changes based on user click statistics, your links, UX, and of course, the speed of your site speed. We’re in 2022, customers want instant page loading, fast checkouts, and fast deliveries.

The world of SEO is continually evolving.

“A record 12,200 U.S. stores closed in 2020 as an e-commerce pandemic changed retail forever”.

What Your Team Needs to do on Enterprise SEO

Full Attack: 

SEO is not done by just the SEO (or 1,2,3,4 SEOs). The strategy must be done with cohesion. CMOS, content team, developers, CEOs, and everyone else must be onboard with the SEO strategy. SEO must be one of the top focus points with your marketing strategy… Not the last.

Done right, you get a well-organized musical band playing beautiful music. Done wrong, everyone is playing to the beat of their own tune, it’s not going to go down well.

Information Architecture:

Can’t locate something on your online shop? Chances are Google’s search bots won’t be able to find it either. So what chance do shoppers have…

The farther you go down the site’s taxonomy, the more difficult it becomes to organize the content. 200k SKUs and 37k pages, it gets very tricky.

Organize your data, then you can devise a strategy for better organizing it on your site so that search engines can crawl it more easily. Better still, customers can find anything within seconds.

What information does a customer want as they progress through the buyer’s journey? Organize this, you get the conversion.

Stick with me…

As an enterprise store, you need to create topical buckets that match your buyer’s journey. This is not easy, but it’s worth the effort. 


In 2022, internal links are gold. They build trust by linking topical authority and helping pages rank. Customers and search bots rely on links to find information on your eCommerce store. The internet is made of sitemaps, internal and external links, it’s kind of a big deal.

Get your enterprise data ordered and you’re going to get solid higher rankings on Google search. Get it wrong, under the hood, your website looks like someone has run through a library with a leaf blower.

What Do You Need to Do?

You need to show Google and other search engines the important pages on your site without wasting all of your crawl budgets. 

The last thing you want is wasted crawls on JavaScript, CSS, and other files that should not be indexed!

Smaller eCommerce stores can get away with this. But for enterprise stores, you’re asking Google to walk up Mount Everest in flip flops, backward.

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About The Author

Highly effective SEO Executive with 7+ years of experience in Full SEO & Link Building. And Broad technical SEO knowledge as an SEO Strategies at Google.

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